Northern Flight Sim custom manufactures a range of Flight Simulator hardware. We use actual aircraft parts in our designs for dual-linked flight controls and rudder pedals. Intended for the hobbyist, our hardware is built to standards that will survive pro use in a training environment. We can build you a simulator hardware package that starts from the floor up—a complete floor structure with integrated flight controls that are plug and play. Add to that our cockpit structure — perfect for mounting refurbished aircraft moldings and hanging your overhead panel.  We can also provide a nose wheel tiller (also plug and play), slider window models, a drop-down compass holder, and pedal skids and covers. If you are looking for refurbished cockpit seats, we may be able to help you with that as well, and with slider rails to help them move in the cockpit. We work with our customers to help meet space and size constrictions where possible, and we can design systems for a range of aircraft.

Custom manufacturing takes time, and we are going to let you know up front what’s possible according to our current production schedule.  We are going to ensure that every piece of your project fits perfectly with all the other pieces that you get from us.  If you are planning to include parts or pieces from another manufacturer we cannot guarantee they will fit precisely with ours.  We build to the actual cockpit measurements unless your project requires a change in dimension to accommodate your space restrictions.  Custom built means exactly that — tailored to your needs, so call today to discuss your project.

We use quality materials including hardware and electronics, and we strive to continually improve our designs.  We also attempt to use commonly available parts, so that if you should need to touch up some paint or replace electronics the colors and parts are available to you as well.

We are always available by email or at the end of the phone to take your call.  We pride ourselves on personal attention to every detail, and we want you to be completely satisfied with every aspect of your project — no matter how big or how small, we want to get it right the first time!


In answer to recent blog traffic we have noticed, let us take a minute to answer some of the seemingly malicious claims that are being thrown our way. When we take on a project where the customer makes changes to the size and shape of the floor structure, we work from the assumption that their measurements are exactly what they want — even if the measurements they request are not standard to the aircraft type.  We have no way of knowing what other simulator manufacturer’s parts measurements are, how they are designed to mount, what materials they use, etc.  This can lead to a lot of finger pointing and frustration when parts from two different sources don’t mesh.  (Kinda like expecting Ford parts to work on a Chevy because they are both trucks.)  We take pride in building some of the strongest and most durable simulator parts currently on the market today!  Yes, we use some commonly available parts in conjunction with original Boeing cockpit parts, but we want you to be able to find the same shade of gray when you need to touch up some scratch, or the same switch when you wear the first one out from lots of use, or the same size nut when you have to move your sim and one has gone missing.  Yes, technology has come a long way in the last 15 years we have been in this business, and we have been moving with it.  Some of our earlier work is going to reflect those changes, but the workmanship has remained and will continue to remain top quality!