- We require payment in full for shipping charges in advance.
- All shipments are FOB. We are not responsible for product once it leaves our door.
- Insurance is mandatory on all shipments.
- You as the purchaser are solely responsible for any and all additional brokerage and customs fees, and import taxes that may be applied to international shipments. All items ship insured and declared for full value.
- Shipping quotes are only guaranteed for 30 days.
- Orders must be paid in full and shipped within 30 days of completion or all items will be returned to inventory.
- On some products crating charges will be applied.
- Shipping policies are subject to change without notice.
- We do not ship to India or Mexico.
- 50% deposit is required for all larger items and orders.
- Balance due upon completion.
- All orders must be prepaid in full prior to shipping.
- Orders are processed in the order that they are received.
- All prices are in USD.
- Payment can be made with certified check or money order. A minimum of 7-10 days are required for clearance.
- Payment can be made via wire transfer. Request details with invoice.
- Customer is fully and solely responsible for any and all applicable taxes, customs, duties, import fees, etc.
- All sales are final.
- All work is custom designed and built for each individual order.
- Turnaround times are not standard. They depend upon the current number of orders already in process.
- When ordering larger items a 50% deposit will reserve your target production schedule slot. Please inquire for the current production schedule.
- Production schedule indicates approximate target dates only. We will not be held liable for your scheduling issues.
- We are not responsible for any inadvertent delays in the production schedule.
- We offer a 90 day warranty on all in-house manufactured components only. If we made it we will fix it, but the purchaser will be responsible for all shipping charges related to the repair.
- All purchased components originally manufactured by other companies rely solely on their individual manufacturer warranties. This includes but is not limited to; all electronics, motors, hardware, belts, chains, switches, aircraft parts, etc.
- We are not liable for any discrepancies in size or fit to other manufacturer’s products.